Nature Morte:
Contemporary Artists
Reinvigorate the Still-Life Tradition
Text by Michael Petry
Thames and Hudson, New York, 2013 |
BLINK, (Seoul, Korea)
Interview with ARam Kim
May 2012, v. 12, 12pp
Photo+ (Seoul, Korea)
Text by Aram Kim, October 2010
pp. 88-95 |
The Body Aesthetic:
Tobin Siebers, ed., University of Michigan
Press, Ann Arbor, 2000
Essay by Cynthia Greig, The Bride Wore Trousers
The Bride Wore Trousers
Text by Katy McCormick
Gallery 44, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto, 2001
Women in Pants:
Text by Cynthia Greig & Catherine
Smith, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2003 |