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Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI
Peter Paul Luce Gallery, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA
Peel Art Museum, Gallery and Archives, Brampton, ON (with Vid Ingelevics)
Mott Fine Arts Gallery, Flint, MI
Paul Kotula Projects, Ferndale, MI
MARCH, San Francisco, CA
Stephen Bulger Gallery, Toronto, ON
Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI (with L.E. Young-Siri)
Fred Torres Gallery, New York, NY [catalogue]
bildkultur, Stuttgart, Germany
DNJ Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Clark Gallery, Lincoln, MA
Oakland University Art Gallery, Rochester MI [catalogue]
Witzenhausen Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
DNJ Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Uno Art Space, Stuttgart, Germany
Wallspace Gallery, Seattle, WA
Museo de la Fotografia, Santa Fe, Argentina
Richard Levy Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Foto Arte Festival, Brasilia, Brazil [catalogue]
Nicole Fiacco Gallery, Hudson, NY (with Michal Bachi)
Centro Cultural Recoleta, Festival de la Luz, Buenos Aires, Argentina [catalogue]
SFCamerawork, San Francisco, CA
Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea, England (with Elia Alba) [catalogue]
Margaret Harvey Gallery, St. Albans England (with Elia Alba) [catalogue]
Moreau Art Galleries, St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN
Museum of Art, SUNY-Potsdam, NY
Gallery 44, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto, Canada
Urban Institute for Contemporary Art, Grand Rapids, MI
The Wright Museum of Art, Beloit, WI (with Michael Hernandez de Luna / Michael Thompson)
PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary Silence
Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH Botanical
Detroit Artists Market Detroit Lens: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY. 50th Anniversary: Selections from the Light Work Collection
Vault Gallery, University of West Georgia, Infinite Weight/Present Histories
DeVos Museum of Art, Marquette, MI, North of the 45th
Paul Kotula Projects, Ferndale, MI Sleepwalker, Rebecca Casement, Cynthia Greig, Tony Hepburn, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Karen Olivier, Peter Williams, Anne Wilson
Rowe Gallery, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NCNature Morte
Well Well Projects, Portland, OR Smart Objects/Flattened Images
New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, NM Breath Taking
Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, WA Time Capsule
Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY Still/Live
Festival Internacional de la Fotografia de Avintes, Portugal, Instantes
Art Mile Detroit with Paul Kotula Projects
Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI Thank you, Mies
Photo Place, Middlebury, VT Intentional Spaces
Clark Gallery, Lincoln, MA Drawing, Assemblage, Collage
Memorial Hall, Cincinnati, OH Body Language: Cynthia Greig, Rachel Rampleman and Alan Rath
Eastern Connecticut State University Art Gallery, Willimantic, CT, Still/Live: Mauricio Alejo, Dave Greber, Cynthia Greig, Robin Mandel
Art Gallery of Windsor, ON, Canada Food, Feminism and Kitchen Culture: Carly Erber, Anna Frlan, Cynthia Greig, Marilyn Minter, Christiane Pflug, Annie Pootoogook, Martha Rosler
Guildhall Art Gallery, London, England Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Reinvigorate the Still-Life [book, travelling]
Stamps Gallery, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Ambiguities/Innuendoes?
Elysium Gallery, Swansea, Wales, ESPY Photo Award exhibition
The Four Domes Pavilion, National Museum, Wrocław, Poland Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Re-invigorate the Still Life
Konsthallen-Bohusläns Museum, Uddevalla, Sweden Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Re-invigorate the Still Life [book, travelling]
Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI, The Scent of Rain on Dry Earth
Center Galleries, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI, Making Mischief: Jennifer Dalton, Alex Gingrow,
Cynthia Greig, Laurina Paperina and Scott Reeder
Hå gamle prestegard, Stavanger, Norway Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Re-invigorate the Still Life [book, travelling]
Festival Internacional de Fotografia de Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Mundo, Imagem, Mundo—Moving Images [catalogue]
8º Fest Foto, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Fotograma Livre: Tão longe, tão perto
Art 1307, Naples, Italy, meta-illusioni: Nicola Evangelisti, Cynthia Greig, Michal Machu, Pilar Soberon and Philippe Soussan [catalogue]
DesignHaus, Darmstadt, Germany, Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie, Reflexion — Ästhetische Referenzen [catalogue]
Fred Torres Gallery, New York, NY Please Don't Stop Loving Me!
Krause Gallery, New York, NY, Emerging to Established — I
Verve Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, Diffusion
Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI Chromophobe
Venice Arts Center, Venice, CA Narrative Space
Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, MA Still Life Lives!
Western Michigan University Art Gallery, Kalamazoo, MI Seventeen Days
Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, OH Body/Objects: Works by Ten Photographers
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX Beauty, Humor, and Social Justice: Gifts of Joan Morgenstern
Fred Torres Collaborations, New York, NY Live from Detroit
Jean Paul Slusser Gallery, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Nothing to Say
The Butcher’s Daughter. Ferndale MI Me/We
The Camera Club of New York, Drawing Pictures: Jowhara AlSaud, Cynthia Greig, Ashley Reid & Athena Waligore
Pelham Art Center, The Things Themselves: Contemporary Still Life [catalogue]
The Butcher’s Daughter, Ferndale, MI The Trace of Archive and Memory [catalogue]
Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, CA Complicity: Contemporary Photography and the Matter of Sculpture
Ginny Cook, Igor Eskinja, Daniel Gordon, Cynthia Greig, Chris Jones and Vik Muniz
Esther Klein Art Gallery, University Science Center, Philadelphia, PA, The Vitreous: Of Eyes and Optics
Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA Works on Paper
Clark Gallery, Lincoln, MA Staged
Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Wilmington, DE Philadelphia Collects Works on Paper
Wallspace, Seattle New Directions
Museum of New Art, Pontiac, MI Early in the 21st Century
Forest City Gallery, London, Ontario, Canada Stranger than Fiction - The Delicate Art of Faking History: Daniel Ehrenworth, Cynthia Greig, Davida Nemeroff and Carl Zimmerman
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL Relative Closeness: Portraits of Family & Friends
Catalyst Arts, Belfast, Ireland Trauma Interrupted: The Felt Experience Project
Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA After [catalogue]
South Bend Regional Art Museum, South Bend, IN, Biennial 23
Harvestworks, New York, NY, Whiz Bang: Videos by Emerging Artists
RedCat Theater, Disney Hall, Los Angeles, CA, LA Freewaves How Can You Resist? Inheritance
Gallery 44, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto, Canada Of Kith and Kin
The University of North Texas Art Galleries, Denton, TX Managing Eden
Houston Center for Photography, Houston, TX Truth Matters: The Meaning of Objects
The Library Company, Philadelphia, PA and Bryn Mawr College, Picturing Women: Historical Works and Contemporary Responses
International Center for Photography, New York, NY Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self Online Exhibition
Center for Photography, Woodstock, NY Managing Eden
SPACES, Cleveland, OH Selections II:  John Benevuto, Peter Dudek, Cynthia Greig, Cathy Smith, Lorraine Tady
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, FUSE: After Dolly  
Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, OH The Photographic Edge
Museum of New Art, Detroit, MI Ground Zero
University Art Gallery, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI
The Truth of Appearances: Cynthia Greig, Michael Hernandez de Luna & Peter Patchen
Penelec Gallery, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA Apocalypse Noir
Detroit Artists Market, Detroit, MI Bounded Intervals: Michele Brody, Cynthia Greig, Sheila Moss & John Roloff [catalogue]
Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago, IL Curator's Choice
Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI Vision as Metaphor
The Soap Factory, Minneapolis, MN Ten
The Institute for the Humanities, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Images and the Imaginary
Matrix Gallery, Ann Arbor, MI Group Consequences: Cynthia Greig, Martha Keller, Valerie Mann,Mark Nielsen, Lisa Olson, Shawn Skabelund
SFCamerawork, San Francisco Bodies of Evidence: Julie Blankenship, Christine Dallas, C.S. Greig, Jin Lee
renée hoogland. "Compelling Abstraction: Cynthia Greig’s Digital Transformations of Art Space," American Comparative Literature Association, March. Included as chapter in forthcoming book, The Analog Revisited, Again: Questioning the Technical Image in a Digital Age, r. hoogland, Vernon Press.
Lillien Waller. "Cynthia Greig: Breath," PRACTICE, Kresge Arts in Detroit, October.
Kim Fay. "Review of Sleepwalker," Real Detroit, Nov. 3
Jonathon Keats. "A New Exhibit About Breathing Offers A Surprisingly Fresh Perspective On Timely Issues Ranging From COVID To BLM," Forbes Magazine, April 29.
Charlotte Kent. "Still/Live," The Brooklyn Rail, May 1
Jonathan Blaustein. "This Week in Photography: Returning to Normal?," A photo Editor, April 30.
Michael Haederle. "Inside Breath Taking", Tricycle, July 7.
Tatum Dooley. "Cynthia Greig: Pictures at/of an Exhibition," FFOTO, Toronto, March 3.
Cynthia and Renato Penna. TIME: Tempo al Tempo dall'isolamento, Napoli: Art 1307, 172pp.
Dennis Nawrocki, Matthew Piper, et. al. eds. Essay'd 3: 30 Detroit Artists, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 160pp.
Ekin Erkan. "Traipsing Ballroom Halls," AEQAI, August 26.
Glen Mannisto. "Cynthia Greig @ Paul Kotula Projects," Detroit Art Review, April 25.
Marta Marychuk. "New PAMA Exhibit Reflects on Art and the Exhibition Environment," The Toronto Star, July 27.
Bruno Vilela, editor. Mundo, Imagem, Mundo, Malagueta Produçôes: Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 248-251.
Jaclyn Meloche. "Food, Feminism and Kitchen Culture" in The Sandwich Project, Windsor: Art Gallery of Windsor.
Ruth Hobley. "Nature Morte at Guildhall Art Gallery," London Calling, October 21.
Glen Mannisto. "Sandwich Project @ Art Gallery of Windsor," Detroit Art Review, August 7.
MaryAnn Wilkinson. "Cynthia Greig," Essay'd, no.67, May.
Brainard Carey. "Interview from Yale University Radio," Museum of Non-Visible Art, February 24.
Piotr Oszczanowski, Malgorzata Santarek, Michel Petry. Martwa Nature, Wroclaw: Muzeum Narodowe we Wroclawiu, 25-26.
Andreas Müller-Pohle, ed. European Photography, "Talking Photography: 100 Pictures That Tell a Story," Berlin, no. 100, January.
Susan Wang. "Cynthia Greig: Photography as the Truth," WideWalls, March 14.
Michelle Perron. Making Mischief (exhibition brochure), Center Galleries, Detroit, MI, January.
Michael Petry. Breeding Dust: Cynthia Greig's Galleryscapes (catalogue essay)
Peter Finnemore. Overlook (catalogue essay)
Emiliano D'Angelo and Cynthia Penna. meta-illusioni: il giardino dell'impossibile (exhibition catalogue), Naples, Italy.
Norman Borden. New York Photo Review, "An October Chelsea Walkabout," October 23.
Kai Bucholz, et. al. Reflexion — Ästhetische Referenzen, (exhibition catalogue), Darmstädt, Germany, 9, 66-71, 232.
Tiziano Tricarico. Il Mattino, "Quando la fotografia non ritrae la realtà," Nov. 27, 52.
Ann Landi. "Diffusion at Verve Gallery," ARTnews, Summer, 101.
Michael Petry. Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Re-Invigorate the Still Life Tradition, Thames and Hudson (London), 82-83, 258-259.
ARam Kim. "Interview with Cynthia Greig" BLINK (Seoul), May, 12 pp.
Helena Celdrán. “Cynthia Greig, fotografías que podrían ser dibujos,” 20 minutos (Spain), May 3.
Aline Smithson. "Cynthia Greig," Lenscratch, Feb. 12.
Dick Goody. Cynthia Greig: Subverting the (un)Conventional (exhibition catalogue) Rochester, MI: Oakland University, 71 pp.
Michael Hodges. “Cynthia Greig Retrospective Jiggles Lens on Reality,” The Detroit News, February 17, 17M.
Robert De Valle. “Subversive Clause,” Real Detroit Weekly, Jan. 4, 14.
Gabrielle Pescador. Review of "Subverting the (un)Conventional," The Detroiter, Feb. 28.
ARam Kim. “Cynthia Greig: Welcome to My Week” Photo+ (Seoul, Korea) October, 88-95.
Elizabeth Saperstein and Nancy Warner. The Things Themselves (exhibition brochure essay), Pelham, NY: Pelham Art Center.
Leah Ollman. “These Rich Textures of Life,” Los Angeles Times, June 25, D15.
Michael Van Der Tol. “Artist Profile: Interview with Cynthia Greig,” Diffusion—Unconventional Photography, v. 2, 26-32.
Kenneth Baker. Review of Complicity, San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 14.
Christina Penn-Goetsch. “Review of Re-Framing Representations of Women,” SECAC Review, Vol. XLI, No. 2.
Roberta Fallon. “What You See isn’t Always What You Get at Klein Art Gallery,” Philadelphia Weekly, Aug.12.
Edith Newhall. “Eye-centric Exhibition Provoking Looks and Laughs, Philadelphia Inquirer, Aug. 2.
Monica Bowman. The Trace of Archive and Memory (exhibition catalogue), Ferndale, MI: The Butcher’s Daughter Gallery.
Petra Mostbacher-Dix. “Faszinierende Perspektiven,” SUR, Dec/Jan 2009.
Susan Shifrin, ed. Re-Framing Representations of Women, Hampshire England: Ashgate Publishing, 2008, 129, 247-249.
Georg Leisten. “Milchige Dinggespenster,” Stuttgarter Zeitung, December 5.
Joshua Lynch. Review of Wallspace Exhibit, Seattle Weekly, September 24.
Mauricio Alejo. “What a Wonderful World,” Fahrenheit (Mexico City, Mexico), April, 30-31.
Cate McQuaid.  “Photographers Add New Dimensions to Still Life,” Boston Globe, June 25.
Angela Faris-Belt. The Elements of Photography. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 152-155, 280-283.
Susan Ciccotti. “Aperture Prize Runner-Up,” New York, NY
Slavka Sverakova. “Felt Experience” Circa Art Magazine, Belfast, Ireland, Spring, no.119, 92-94.
Dan Ehrenworth. “Stranger than Fiction,” Forest City Gallery, London, Ontario
Karla Osorio Netto. Natureza, Meo Ambiente e Sustentabilidade, Brasilia: Foto Arte Brasilia, 127-129.
Silvia Mangialardi. “Sobre las apariencias,” Fotomundo Buenos Aires, Argentina, September, 58-62.
Elda Harrington and Alejandro Montes de Oca. Realidad(i)realidad (exhibition catalogue), Buenos Aires: Festival de la Luz, 48-49.
Cate McQuaid, “Among the Missing” Boston Globe, March 2.
Laura Donaldson. After (exhibition catalogue). Boston Center for the Arts, Boston MA, 21-22.
Amber Whiteside. "Solos” Artweek. San Francisco, CA. October, 14.
Kate Menconeri and Ariel Shanberg. “Managing Eden” Photography Quarterly. Woodstock NY: CPW, no. 91, 4-15.
Ute Nöll. “Fokus,” Frankfurter Rundschau Magazin, Frankfurt, Germany, Oct. 16, 7.
Alison Kenzie. Of Kith and Kin (exhibition brochure essay), Toronto, Canada: Gallery 44.
Jessica Lack. “Belonging” The Guardian Guide, London UK Sept. 13-19, 34.
Rachel Garfield. Out-Of-Place: Elia Alba and Cynthia Greig (exhibition catalogue), Essex, UK: Focal Point Gallery, University of Hertfordshire Galleries.
Eileen Pollack. “Fiction Writers and Other Well-Intentioned Frauds,” The Writer’s Chronicle, March, 33-40.
J. Carlos Cantu. “Display Merges Sight, Sound with Wacky Sense of Humor,” Ann Arbor News, Aug. 3, C1.
Jason Lahr. Cynthia Greig: Little Differences (exhibition brochure), Moreau Art Galleries, Notre Dame, IN.
Jeff Hoone. Contact Sheet Annual 117, Syracuse, NY: Light Work, 22-27.
Roger Green. “Sept. 11 Collides with Art.” Ann Arbor News, September 10.
Carol Novak. Review of UICA solo exhibition, New Art Examiner, March/April, 83-84.
Julie Johnson. "The Return of Beauty in Contemporary Art and Art History," Rendezvous, Vol. 36, No. 1, Fall, 9-11.
Katy McCormick. The Bride Wore Trousers (exhibition brochure), Gallery 44, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Toronto, Canada.
Behind the Lens. Featured in documentary on contemporary photography, CTV, Canadian Television
Peter Goddard. “Imaginary Artist,” The Toronto Star, June 7, G10.
Dan Mills. American Identities (exhibition catalogue), SUNY-Potsdam Museum of Art.
Joy Hakansan Colby. “Artists Market Eclectic Show Works,” Detroit News, 9D.
Jan Worth. "Buckham Exhibit is Passionate and Personal," The Flint Journal. March 19, F4.
Cynthia Morgan. Review of Ten, New Art Examiner, March, 62-63.
Patricia Briggs. Review of Ten, City Pages, Minneapolis MN, October 7, 27-28.
"Space, Memory and Spectacle: The Paintings of John Dempsey" in John Dempsey: Take Place (essay in forthcoming publication)
For the Record: Andy Warhol's Polaroids and Snapshots, 1974-1986 (Exhibition Curator), Mott Art Gallery, Flint, MI
"Flying Under the Radar," catalogue essay for Peter Finnemore: Zen Gardener, Llandudno, Wales: Oriel Mostyn Gallery
Women in Pants: Manly Maidens, Cowgirls and Other Renegades, New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, (co-author with Catherine Smith)
The Times Magazine, London, April 5, 14-20 (Cover and Feature article, co-author with Catherine Smith).
"Women in Tuxedos," 2wice, New York, v. 7, no. 2, 34-38 (co-author with Catherine Smith).
"The Bride Wore Trousers" in The Body Aesthetic: From Fine Art to Body Modification," Tobin Siebers editor. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
Sampler: Chris Caruso, Andrea Champlin, John Richardson & Mee Kyung Shim (exh. catalogue essay), Detroit: Detroit Artists Market
Containers of Memory (Curator, exhibition catalogue essay), Detroit: Detroit Artists Market
Images of Resistance (Co-Curator), Residential College Art Gallery, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Un-defining...Print (Curator, exhibition catalogue essay), Detroit: Detroit Artists Market
Margaret Perry. “Women in Pants,” Book Review, May 24.
Rebecca Mazzei. “Room to Breathe,” Metro Times, Detroit, MI, July 8.
Joy Sperling. “Book Review,” The Journal of American Culture, June, 258-59.
Diane Hamer. “The Butch Mystique,” The Gay And Lesbian Review, January 1, 44.
Rhonda Jenkins. “Book Review,” Women Writers, Winter.
Melody Ballard. “Book Review,” The Library Journal, June 1, 116.
Louis Carolin. “She Wears the Pants” DIVA, May 5, 26-32.
Kara G. Morrison. “Book Reveals Women's Progress Wearing Pants,” The Detroit News, April 5, 1D.
Ronni Radner. “Wearing the Pants,” OUT, March, 44.
Peter Goddard. “Getting into Men's Pants,” The Toronto Star, May 3.
The Kresge Foundation, Kresge Arts in Detroit, Kresge Artist Fellowship
Aperture Foundation, New York NY, Aperture Prize Runner-Up
Denison University, Granville, OH, Vail-Artist-in-Residence
Santa Fe Center for Photography, Santa Fe, NM, Assignment Earth Award
Houston Center for Photography, Houston, TX, HCP Fellowship
Light Work, Syracuse, NY, Artist-in-Residence
Center for New Television, Chicago, IL, Great Lakes Regional Fellowship (Filmmaking)
Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs, Creative Artist Award (Filmmaking)
The University of Michigan School of Art + Design, Ann Arbor, MI, MFA Photography
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, MA Art History
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, BFA Printmaking